Rehabilitation Center For Elderly People

โครงการจัดตั้งศูนย์ส่งเสริมและฟื้นฟูผู้สูงอายุ สภากาชาดไทย อ.บางพระ จ.ชลบุรี
Located in Bang-phra District, Chonburi province, Elderly health promotion and rehabilitation center has the full services for both the healthy elderly and the dependents care. It also provides services to prepare for adulthood to reduce the risk of disease and improve people's quality of life.
Opened in 2016 with 64 beds in the early stages, the center can accommodates up to 200 beds in the future both daily care and overnight stay. The facilities was designed to be bright colors, cozy relaxing atmosphere and friendly to the elderly as well.

Scope of Services
- Total of 64 beds
- Physical check up
- Physical therapy and rehabilitation
- Alternative medicine
- Thai traditional medicine
- Medical spa
- Dental clinic
- Day care center
- Recreation roo
Bang Phra, ChonBuri
Thai Red Cross Society
Building Type
Rehabilitation Center and Day Care for Elderly
Gross Floor Area
9,174 sq.m.
Construction Cost
209 Million Baht
Construction Completed